Tiffany "Rae" Rucker

Tiffany "Rae" Rucker

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just Speak Life

Speak Life

Have you ever been in a dry place,
Couldn't show it on your face,
And you cried inside; Lord tell me why.
That relationship now broken,
So many hurts unspoken,
And You died inside, Lord tell me why.

Night after night you pray,
Still nothing seems to ever change.
Remember God's Word is true,
He knows the plan He has for you;
By faith, this is what you must do.

Just speak life to it,
Just speak life through it;
Knowing God's not a man that He should lie.

Just hold on to it,
Just go on through it,
To every dry bone in your valley,
Just speak life.

Whatever happened to your dreams,
You struggle with your self-esteem
And you cry inside; Lord tell me why.
Frustration always on Your mind,
There's been no joy for quite sometime,
And you died inside; Lord, tell me why.

Night after night your pray,
Still nothing seems to ever change.
Remember God's Word is true,
He knows the plan He has for you;
By faith, this is what you must do...

Just speak life to it,
Just speak life through it;
Knowing God's not a man that He should lie.

Just hold on to it,
Just go on through it,
To every dry bone in your valley,
Just speak life.

There is a lot I could say right now, but this song seems to say it all for me. No matter where you are in life - just speak life. No matter what life brings your way - just speak life. All the lies the enemy is throwing at your - just speak life. The guilt trip the devil tries to put you on - just speak life. Your friends or family betray you - just speak life. You are going through the most difficult time in your life and you feel like you are all alone - just speak life. It seems like the pain and struggles will never end - just speak life. The enemy of your soul speaks to you, telling you the life is not worth living - just speak life. The devil is telling you to hurt yourself - just speak life. Satan is telling you that everything bad that has happened in your life is your fault; that you deserve punishment - just speak life. You can't seem to stop the negative thoughts from coming - just speak life.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Pulpit

The Pulpit

The pulpit is the place where God's messenger blows the trumpet every service. I heard a message once by Bro Mark Copeland and he made the very profound statement, "If this trumpet won't move you, then that trumpet won't move you." He was referring to the preached Word of God being like a trumpet (blow the trumpet in Zion) being blown. He said that if we get so stuck in our ways and have so much pride inside of us that we don't allow the preaching of the Word of God to move us, then how in the world can we expect to go to Heaven? I heard this message back in 2006 and, to this day, it has never left me. 

God, I don't ever want to get to the point in my life where I don't allow the man of God in my life to preach it straight to me. Every time I go to a church service, I want to be willing and ready for my Pastor to preach to me. We've all heard it, "No matter what it takes, I must be saved..." but do we really mean it? Are we willing to forgo the embarrassment of our Pastor calling us out, in front of the whole church, about something we've done in order to make sure we are right with God and that our eternity is our focus? 

I, along with so many, have gotten so wrapped up in the here and now that I don't allow my focus to be on what really matters. Eternity. Heaven or Hell. It's real, folks. It's not just a superstition. There are so many people out there who have decided to trade their eternity for temporary satisfaction. 

Oh trust me, I have been tempted and, at times, I wasn't sure it was worth going through everything I've had to go through. I questioned and doubted my relationship with God. I questioned if the life I am living is really truth or if it was just a made up religion like so many others out there. I had to go through an extremely rough time in my life to get to where I am at today. No, I am not perfect (I will be the first one of many to admit it); I have a really long way to go to achieve perfection. One of the things I have learned in life - you don't get good to get God, you get God to get good. I, for one, am extremely thankful that God has not given up on me. There was a time in my life when I honestly wanted to give up on everything - but God, in His mercy, looked down and saw this pitiful person trying to make it on her own - blaming herself for everything life had thrown her way, trying to punish herself for things she had no control over, trying to conform to please everyone around her - and reached out His Hand and picked me up out of the muck and mire that I was in and set me on the Rock to stay! 

I know the struggle isn't over - it ain't going to be over until Jesus comes back for His Bride. However, I do know that, as long as I put my trust in Him, Jesus will be there to carry me through the hard times. I have decided to put my faith and trust in God. I would rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:25). God is great and greatly to be praised! I am so thankful for everything He has done for me! I don't know what my future holds - but I know Who holds it! 

Friday, April 18, 2014


Here are some photos that I have taken (with my iPhone, so please keep in mind they have not been taken with a professional camera) within the last 6 months. Let me know what you think...

I'm Glad I Know the Peacespeaker!

I woke up this morning with this song on my mind. I thought I'd share it on here. Even in the midst of our pain and struggles, God is there to speak peace into our lives. Even when we question life's worth and purpose, God is there to give us worth and purpose for which to live. Like the song says, a storm can rise up, without warning, and surround our life - but even in the midst of the storm, there is a calm...

Calm = Jesus :)

Jesus is the only One Who has the power to say "peace, be still" and have the winds and waves obey. So why worry when a storm cloud comes your way? Jesus is near to drive away the fear in our lives every single day - we just have to call on His Name and trust that He has everything in control.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Who We Are In Christ

Something for each letter of the English alphabet. Accepted, blessed, chosen, delivered, elevated, forgiven, God's workmanship, healed, innocent, justified, kept, loved, more than a conqueror, not condemned, overcoming the world, predestined to sonship, quickened, redeemed, sealed, to His praise, unto His glory, victorious, washed, xcrucified, yoked, and zealous. 

There are many people who struggle with their "Identity in Christ" - people you come in contact with every day, people who you consider to be close friends. I understand that this world is so messed up and the enemy of our souls is out to get us every day. I understand that it's "easier" for us to listen to the negative in our life all the time - it's natural. However, we, as Christians, need to develop a "new natural" and, by developing the habit, make it natural for us to focus, automatically, on the good and not the negative. So, instead of listening to that sly ol' fox, we need to listen to the Voice of our Creator! 

What does God's Word say I am in Christ?

  • I am a child of God ~ John 1:12
  • I am a branch of the true vine , and a conduit of Christ's life ~ John 15:1,5
  • I am a friend of Jesus Christ ~ John 15:15
  • I have been justified and redeemed ~ Romans 3:24
  • My old self was crucified with Christ, and I am no longer a slave to sin ~ Romans 6:6
  • I will not be condemned by God ~ Romans 8:1
  • I have been set free from the law of sin and death ~ Romans 8:2
  • As a child of God, I am a joint-heir with Christ ~ Romans 8:17
  • I have been accepted by Jesus Christ ~ Romans 15:7
  • In Jesus, I have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption ~ 1 Cor 1:30
  • My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost ~ 1 Cor 6:19
  • I am a new creature in Christ ~ 2 Cor 5:17
  • I have been made one with all who are in Christ Jesus ~ Galatians 3:28
  • I am no longer a slave, but a child and an heir ~ Galatians 4:7
  • I have been set free in Christ ~ Galatians 5:1
  • I am chosen, holy, and blameless before God ~ Ephesians 1:4
  • I am redeemed and forgiven by the grace of God ~ Ephesians 1:7
  • I have been sealed with that holy spirit of promise ~ Ephesians 1:13
  • Because of God's mercy and love, I have been made alive with Christ ~ Ephesians 2:4-5
  • I have boldness and confident access to God through faith ~ Ephesians 3:12
  • I was formerly darkness, but now I am light in the Lord ~ Ephesians 5:8
  • I am a citizen of Heaven ~ Philippians 3:20
  • The peace of God guards my heart and mind ~ Philippians 4:7
  • God supplies all my needs ~ Philippians 4:19
  • I have been made complete in Christ ~ Colossians 2:10
  • God loves me and has chosen me ~ 1 Thess 1:4
There you go, folks! You can't argue with Scripture! Just sayin'....