So, I have been thinking, the last couple of weeks, about how I would sum up 2011...and then write it on here. However, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to forget it...
2011, for me, was one of the hardest years I have ever had. Not really for any specific reason, but when I look back on 2011, I never want to go through what I went through again. 2011 was a very difficult year for me. Some of you know quite a bit about it, some of you know a little bit about it, and others of you know nothing about it. I am not really going to go into any details on here, except to say that I never want to go through that again. And, thankfully, I don't have to. 2011 is in the past and it is going to stay there (can I get a witness?!?). LOL.
The first part of my year went great. I went back to school (RCC) in January and stayed in school through both Winter and Spring terms...I got on the honor roll and that was nice :) I took a Math class (each term) with Shaikell and, ever since then, we have become pretty close. I am thankful for that. She has been my sounding board quite a bit. And, I honestly don't know that we would be as close as we are now if it were not for us taking Math together. I had a work at home job, which I really enjoyed. My niece was born in February and that made life great as well! I mean, yeah, I had struggles just like anyone else, but my life seemed to be doing pretty good. Then, sometime toward the end of June, stuff started happening and, without going into much detail, it felt like my life was spiraling downhill. And fast. Some people see, on Facebook, that I give a lot of "shout-outs" to my Pastor and his awesome wife. Well, that is because I owe them...a lot. They, along with my husband, were there for me...a lot. I don't know how I would have survived these last 6 months or so without them. 'nuff said there.
So, I guess, if I were to sum up the year 2011, I would say that it was full of memories - both bitter and sweet. There were times, this last year, that I laughed harder than I had ever laughed before (mostly with Shaikell, I would have to say). And then there were also been times, this last year, that I have cried harder than I had ever cried before. There are one or two things that I regret about this last year; but, for the most part, I would have to say that I am thankful for everything that happened. Not necessarily for the sake of having those experiences, but for the relationships that were formed due to the experiences. I believe that, because of some of the things I went through, there are a few relationships that are stronger than they were before. I am also learning (very slowly, but surely) to trust again. It has not been easy (can I hear an "Amen" from those who know what I am talking about?), and it is not over yet; but, I trust, it has been worth it.
Going into 2012, I would appreciate your prayers. There are still a few things that I am trying to get "ironed out," etc...I am hoping and praying that this year will trump last year by a long shot :) God bless all y'all :)
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