Tiffany "Rae" Rucker

Tiffany "Rae" Rucker

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Will Trust In You

You are my hiding place.
You always fill my heart with songs 
of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid.
I will trust in You.
I will trust in You. 
Let the weak say,
"I am strong
In the strength of the Lord."
I will trust in You.
~Michael Ledner

I have had this song on my mind a lot lately. In life, we go through things that can't always be controlled. We struggle. We go through storms. Storms we can't control. But the thing about us, as humans, is... we keep trying to control the storms in our lives. No matter what. Storms that we try to control, never had a good ending. Sometimes, our storm doesn't end at long as we try to control it. But...once we give control - complete control - to God, then, even though we are going through a storm, we can trust that God will bring us THROUGH the storm. So many people, in life today, say they believe in God, and they even say they trust in God, but...when the true test comes, they still try and take control of their storm. The thing is, and this has happened with me as well, we finally get to the point where we trust God. We give the situation, whatever it may be, over to God. But...once we see God doing something in our situation that we don't agree with, we try and take control again. That is not true trust. It's either we trust in Him, or not. God, help us to fully trust in You - no matter what life brings our way.

Just something that has been on my mind the last few days. I struggle with this daily. There are so many things going on in my life, and I try to take control. I'll be honest, it's scary handing the reins over to someone else. It really is. But it's not like we are handing them over to a stranger...we are handing them over to the God who created the universe! I think He knows what He's doing! I know, easier said than, just take this as a challenge. I am challenging myself as well. Let's try and give control of our lives to the One Who created us! Like the song says, "I am strong, in the strength of the Lord. I will trust in you!"

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